Woeful Religion

In Luke 11:37-54, we see one of the strongest condemnation discourses by Jesus, aimed at the Pharisees and Lawyers. Jesus opens with a principal statement highlighting their religious hypocrisy (vs 39-40). A person cannot expect to please God if he or she is externally obedient yet internally cold, unrepentant, and unloving. God made (and cares) about the outside and inside of a person.

Jesus elaborates by issuing three “woes” aimed at the Pharisee and three at the Lawyer. These denunciations are grounded in heartless legalism, pride, and false guidance/teaching that not only affect themselves, but their followers too.

Jesus offers us a better way; right religion is the outflow of a transformed heart that loves God and loves people. Jesus is the only way to the Father, the key to the knowledge of God, and the door to eternal life. Everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him has eternal life, and will be raised up on the last day (John 6:40).