Jesus Seeks and Saves Zacchaeus

Jesus Seeks and Saves Zacchaeus

In Luke 19:1-10 we meet Zacchaeus, a man most of us have heard about in Sunday School. Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus counterbalances Jesus’ confrontation with the rich young ruler (18:18–30). Both men are described as rich and both hold high office (“ruler”, 18:18; “chief tax collector”, 19:2). One walks away from Jesus sad, for he was extremely rich (Luke 18:23). The other received Jesus joyfully and started giving away his wealth. Jesus called Zacchaeus by name. He is known by the community as a sinner, but more importantly he is known by the Son of God as forgiven. They’d never met before, but the Lord knew Zacchaeus before Zacchaeus knew the Lord. Jesus came to seek and to save lost people like Zacchaeus.