In Luke chapter 5 we get a more accurate glimpse of who Jesus is. That’s Luke’s primary pursuit, “Who is Jesus?”
Jesus has a holiness that provides us an accurate self-awareness (Simon-Peter in Luke 5:1-11). Jesus’ salvation transforms our relationship to ourselves (a biblical psychologically).
Jesus has a holiness that cleanses us before the Father (the leper in Luke 5:12-16). Jesus’ salvation transforms our relationship to others (sociologically).
Jesus has a holiness that can forgive sin (the paralyzed man in Luke 5:17-26). Jesus’ salvation transforms our relationship to the Father (spiritually).
Jesus has a holiness that overcomes what religion thinks of socially and politically unclean people (Levi the tax collector in Luke 5:27-32). On this point, Jesus provides four illustrations to the scribes and teachers of the law: (1) the physician, (2) the bridegroom, (3) the patch of new cloth on an old garment, and (4) new wine in an old wineskin.