Luke chapter 12 explores and exposes whether we seek affirmation vertically from God, or horizontally from people, possessions, and false security. Jesus’s message and life are counter-cultural to everything we’ve been taught:
Life Is Much More Than the Abundance of Possessions (12:13-21).
Anxiety Is Closely Connected to a Fixation on Stuff (12:22-31).
Treasure on Earth Is Corruptible and Insecure (12:32-34).
John Purdy, in his book Parables At Work, offers a challenging contemporary application of this parable to the modern pursuit for materialist success and happy retirement years. He says, “If we hold that true wisdom is to be rich toward God, then work will have a limited place in our lives. We shall work hard enough to provide the necessities; we shall leave the future in God's hands. We will not make work a means of securing our lives against all possible calamities.”