Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples
We are a community of Christians who exist to love God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God. As such, we are striving to be a church family that celebrates and is being changed by the transforming grace of God that we experience through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Five essential values compel our life together as a church family:
Our Values
- Scripture
Knowing Jesus by learning God’s Word and applying His truth through the power of His Spirit. - Worship
Adoring Jesus through God exalting, Word-saturated, and Spirit-led worship. - Community
Showing Jesus to one another through caring relationships, mutual accountability, and loving acts of service. - Ministry
Serving Jesus by equipping every member to love God, love others, and make disciples. - Mission
Proclaiming Jesus in word and action from our neighborhoods to the nations.